Trees are Good for our Health


A short blog entry today. Sorry it has been a while since my last one. I haven’t been feeling well lately.

I wanted to quickly write about something I heard on the radio yesterday: basically in a nutshell, trees are good for our health, we need to stop cutting them down, and we should be planting more of them.

If you have a tree next to your house or in your garden, or in an area next to your flat, it will make you healthier.

Trees can soak up to 60% of the pollutants and carcinogenic compounds in the air. They also can soak up a lot of water and are a good line of defence against flooding.

Some planning and town developers plant silver birch along roadsides, because silver birch can apparently absorb more pollutants than other species of tree. That’s why you might often see a lot of silver birch trees on roadways.


So it makes sense for people to stop cutting down trees and instead plant them everywhere, especially in towns and cities, not only do they clean the air we breathe & protect us against flooding; but they also help increase the rapidly decreasing oxygen levels in our atmosphere & help to combat climate change.

If everyone who was able and had permission, planted a tree next to their house, they would be helping to make them and their neighbours healthier; and if enough folk did it, it could add a million plus trees to the ecosystem to help offset climate change.

If councils planted trees in areas prone to flooding, they would help to soak up the excess water and aid in flood defence.

If we planted as many as we could in town and city centres, it would help soak up the traffic pollution & make them healthier places to be.

Some people cut down trees without really thinking or understanding how important they are. If you have a tree next to you, instead of seeing it as a nuisance, see it as a blessing, and look after it.

Trees are great (:


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