Solar Power Lights up Indian Village


A happy article for monday. Was sent this story by Greenpeace today about how a village in India that went dark after sunset only a few months ago, is now producing it’s own decentralized electricity through solar power and able to light up their streets and homes after dark.

You can read more about it by clicking here.

(Click on the images in the link above to read more about the project through the eyes of the villagers, the webpage kinda confused me at first as well 😉


I wonder if small communities across the UK who have had enough of big energy bills, could do something similar? If people in communities got together, donated what they could afford in terms of time and cash, to set up their own microgrid, using wind or solar power, it could be a revolution. A way to take back some of our power from the greedy energy corporations and provide affordable energy for us all.

If we did this on a community level, off our own backs, independant of government, we could have local eco-friendly decentralized energy grids run by the community, and not by profit driven corporations.

What do you think?

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